I3 inspections on Siemens Vectron

Maintenance of Siemens Vectron electric locomotives was launched in 2016, and we have since extended the service to include maintenance levels up to IS3. After successfully completing the training in Munich, our maintenance team obtained the certificate attesting that we are qualified to perform all three levels of maintenance on this locomotive type. The next level on our to-do list is overhauls (also known as “revisions”).

Maintenance of Vectron locomotives is provided to various owners – from rail undertakings to locomotive leasing companies – and we are also partnered with maintenance depots which specialise in Vectron locomotives.



European Locomotive Leasing




Electric locomotive



Maintenance of Siemens ER20

When the ER20, a diesel locomotive of the Eurorunner family produced by Siemens, joined Slovenske železnice’s locomotive fleet back in 2014, we were tasked with delivering the maintenance in order to support diesel traction services operated by Slovenske železnice’s freight division SŽ – Tovorni promet. Although the unit, which was under lease by SŽ, was sold two years later, there was still a notable demand for this type of maintenance because such locomotives are commonly owned or leased by operators on Slovenia’s and Croatia’s rail network.

Our experience in servicing Taurus U4 locomotives, which are also built by Siemens, gave us some head start with this new challenge. The part which sets ER20 apart from Taurus is most notably the way maintenance is scheduled – while electric units are serviced according to mileage, diesel locomotives such as ER20 record the number of hours in service to determine their maintenance periods.

In 2014 our teams from Ljubljana and Maribor depots received hands-on training by MRCE how to carry out ER20 inspections – these are done on completing 500 hours in service (referred to as ‘W2’) – and completed their first such inspection without assistance in August 2014. Later on we completed the training for ER20 overhauls done at 2,000 hours in service (W4) at our partnered depot, and are now officially certified for Eurorunner maintenance up to Level W4.

At present, the majority of periodic inspections on Eurorunner locomotives is done for Adria Transport and LTE. We also deliver light repairs (not included in periodic inspections) under arrangement with the owner, as appropriate.


Adria Transport




Diesel locomotive



Maintenance of Laes and Laaefrs wagons

At SŽ-VIT , we have been servicing Laes and Laaefrs, a type of car-carrying freight wagons, for the French vehicle logistic s company STVA for a good number of years. Heavy repairs are handled by our depot in Dobova while the shop in Koper delivers all the inspections and light repairs needed to keep the stock rolling.

We received our first order for an overhaul according to STVA’s instructions in March 2015, and have since serviced more than 120 of its wagons.


Groupe CAT




Freight wagon



Overhaul of F4 locomotives

After entering the market for wheelset, freight wagon and diesel traction maintenance a couple of years ago, we have since expanded our services to also offer electric locomotive inspections and overhauls. Our Ljubljana depot is working at capacity, accommodating both SŽ’s red livery locomotives and units owned by international operators.

The first international customer to order an overhaul of this locomotive type was MRCE, a German private carrier which has been using our services since 2014 when we started doing P1 inspections on their ER20 diesel-electric locomotives, to which we later on added P1, P6 and P12 inspections of their ESF4 electric locomotives.

Over the following three years, our Ljubljana depot demonstrated professionality in their maintenance works, convincing MRCE to consider becoming our long-term customer. The first step in that direction happened in February 2019 when we received an order to conduct an overhaul of their F4-843 electric locomotive (body and brake system) after a million km travelled. After four weeks of maintenance work, we conducted a test run of the unit on the AC network in Jesenice and then delivered the locomotive back to MRCE.

The entire overhaul was done in the presence of an MRCE technician, who supervised the work and provided assistance as and when appropriate. Because our team showed the skill required for the task, an arrangement for another overhaul was made soon after the job was completed – this time without supervision from MRCE. The second locomotive was delivered in mid-April for the same level of overhaul.

Following an intensive training in brake system operation, we are now able to conduct major overhauls of F4 locomotives with close to no assistance, and have also started doing renewals of F4 cooling fans (HBU auxiliary inverter, traction motor, cooling tower and braking resistors), which were previously serviced by a different maintenance supplier. Once our teams finish their F4 bogie maintenance training, we will be able to offer a complete service for F4 overhauls with no assistance.

A total of four overhauls were carried out in 2019 and another four in 2020, with plants to conduct as many as seven this year.






Electric locomotive



Overhaul and painting of Regms

In 2016, we once again received an order by our Czech customer Loko Trans for an overhaul of 12 Regmms freight wagons. The work included a G4.0 overhaul, complete painting of all 12 units, replacing the timber floor with metal panels, installing wagon sidewalls, and adding a new exterior design for the end customer.

As a VPI- and ECM- certified workshop, we were able to supply a quality service that successfully fulfilled the expectations of the end customer from Italy at the final inspection and wagon hand-over.

2019 saw a total of 21 wagons overhauled for LokoTrans, which has already sought our maintenance services also in 2021.


LOKO Trans


Czech Republic


Freight wagon



Repowering class 642/643 shunting locos (Đuro Đaković)

At SŽ – VIT, we have been working to modernize Slovenske železnice’s rolling stock for a number of years now, which included, amongst other, upgrading and repowering Class 642 and 643 locomotives. In an effort to increase vehicle availability, cut maintenance costs and lower emissions, the locomotive’s owner SŽ-Tovorni promet decided on a project to repower and modify a total of 12 units at our Maribor workshop, which is specialized in maintaining diesel vehicles.

The project to repower the locomotives was prepared by an American locomotive manufacturer and maintenance supplier NRE. Work under this large-scale and complex endeavor comprised:

  • Replacing the SACM-MGO / WARTSILA diesel engine with a modern MTU diesel engine in compliance with the current EU Stage IIIB emission standard at an ambient temperature of 25°C and retrofitting the cooling system with a new variable frequency drive inverter for cooling fan;
  • Replacing the main DC generator and auxiliary generator, and Statody alternator for battery charging with MARATHON alternator, which has two AC outputs to generate electrical power for use in shunting operations and auxiliary device charging;
  • Replacing the auxiliary drive belt system with KONČAR AC electric motors;
  • Rebuilding the driver’s cabin with new control panels and switching control elements for enhanced operation and use of the locomotive, along with sound and cold insulation;
  • Upgrading the brake equipment manufactured by WABTEC MTZ Skopje with newer pneumatic block assemblies to increase safety and simplify the use of locomotive-fitted elements (the main changes were done on direct brake controls, sanding controls, horn controls, operating components of the intermittent train protection (PZB, or Indusi), deadman’s handle, and on the hand brake, which was replaced by parking brake cylinders and an air brake system.

Steering and monitoring of the above-mentioned assemblies is done using NRE’s NForce control module and MTU – Engine Condition Monitoring along with PC Panel local display units installed on each control panel, with data saving and diagnostics enabled. The new HMI/LDU (human-machine interface) is more user-friendly and offers better insight into locomotive inputs and outputs. The new HMI also offers additional functionality such as control of the reversers, power contactors, relays etc.

Additionally, the machine and device protection was improved, while a fuel consumption monitoring system was fitted to the main 3000 liter fuel tank.

In the course of the project, the high-voltage equipment of the traction circuit, low-voltage electrical equipment of the auxiliary and safety devices, the pneumatic gear, and the brake system had to be repositioned, which called for a redesign of certain assemblies such as the battery, low-voltage rectifier with power converters, and the air reservoirs under the body frame. The new opening and securing system for side covers allows easy equipment and assembly access in the short part and engine section.
The modification work mentioned above is a result of careful and zealous planning done in collaboration with SŽ – Tovorni promet. Modern rail technology introduces a number of advantages in operating a refurbished locomotive, demonstrating that old and worn-out equipment can be reworked into like new locomotives, which has always been one of our goals at diesel unit maintenance.


Slovenske železnice




Diesel locomotive



Major overhaul of Siemens Desiro EMUS

In April this year, our Ljubljana workshop completed a major overhaul of Siemens Desiro EMUs owned by the passenger operator SŽ-Potniški promet. The works, which took two and a half years to complete, started on 13 September 2016 when the first unit entered Ljubljana Center’s shop, and involved a total of 30 major revisions – 10 on two-car units and 20 on three-car units.

Compared to mid-life overhauls, a major overhaul comprises more repair work on the converters of the auxiliary equipment, traction power converters, the underframe, the brakes, interior equipment, and – what is easy to notice – application of an anti-graffiti coating over the entire body, which improves the general image of the trains and is significantly faster and more environmentally friendly than redoing the whole paintwork. Additionally to the overhaul works, degraded parts of traction motor insulation were renewed, loose window panes were replaced, and a prototype retractable thread board was retrofitted onto one of the EMUs for testing.

The thread board is mounted under the train’s sliding door and automatically slides in position when the door open to ensure that passengers are able to enter and exit a train with safety at stations with excessively large platform gaps. To achieve optimal functionality, the concept is based on applicable standards, with appropriate components selected as to facilitate the production and installation onto the train. The boards were manufactured and tested at Divača Center. Before installation, a vehicle modification blueprint had to be prepared, which included mechanical processing, welding, assembly, and testing.

In the winter from late 2017 through early 2018, a solution was finally found to the issue concerning snow-related breakdown of high-voltage insulation in traction motor windings. Characterized by fine snow crystals, which pass right through the filters, this type of ‘cold’ snow caused several cases of stator windings’ insulation breakdown in the past, with more than half of traction motors knocked out in some winters. To counter the issue, custom-made covers with filters were installed on a total of ten motors. The measure turned out to be effective, as no charges were reported in the winter of early 2019. Moisture-resistant filters were installed first, but had to be changed too frequently, so the testing was cancelled and then resumed in summer once new filters were installed. Currently two types of filters are in use, one for summer and one for winter season. A total of 34 traction motors, or 28% are currently fitted with said covers, which is high enough a number of testing units to be able to assess the filters’ effectiveness come winter. It is expected that the entire EMU fleet will be fitted with the covers. The covers are a SŽ-VIT design, and were produced entirely at our workshops.

A project is currently on-going to install WiFi and GSM-R on the EMUs.


Slovenske železnice







Maintenance of class H covered wagons

In October 2018 SŽ-VIT started a project for the supply of maintenance of Habbillns and Habbins wagons to its client from Hamburg, TRANSWAGGON. Amongst other, the wagons are rented by the freight operator SŽ-Tovorni promet to run service on Slovenian network, which makes Dobova Center a convenient choice for keeping them in running order.

The servicing comprises VPI-compliant Level G4.2 overhauls and corrective maintenance. Wagons can also be fitted with trackers and repaired for damage sustained on route. Around twenty to twenty five wagons were planned for maintenance initially, and efforts were made that quality work led to additional orders for maintenance of up to 65 of this wagons annually.


Transwaggon TWA




Freight wagon



Overhaul of Kgs-z

After entering the Italian market for rail maintenance some years ago, SŽ – VIT is steadily establishing its presence as a maintenance supplier. When Railoc, an Italian provider of rail machinery, purchased a number of second-hand freight wagons with expired overhaul period from SŽ – Tovorni promet, SŽ – VIT was selected to overhaul the units. First talks on the project date back to August 2018, with the overhaul work officially starting at the end of November following the wagons’ arrival to the workshop in Dobova. The project was completed in January 2019 when the wagons were returned to the owner.

The works comprised a G4.0 overhaul according to the VPI and replacement of worn-out buffers along with new paintwork tailored to the client’s request.






Freight wagon



Overhaul of on-track motor vehicles

In 2017 Divača Center, which supplies maintenance to tractive units running on the south-west section of Slovenian rail network and repairs to freight wagons of various operators, added overhauls of on-track motor vehicles to their services.

The overhaul work is done on Class 911, Class 915 and Class 916 heavy-duty track motor vehicles, and comprises P1, P6 and P18 inspections, mid-life and major overhauls, and repairs pursuant to the national Rules on the maintenance of railway vehicles. Our main clients include the infrastructure manager SŽ – Infrastruktura and construction company Tegrad.

Divača handles all major maintenance and repair work, while minor servicing and repairs can also be supplied at Nova Gorica. Additionally, minor repairs can also be supplied in the field.






Specialised rail vehicles



Major overhaul of Fiat Pendolino EMUS

Ljubljana Center has been in charge of servicing pendolino EMUs (also known as SŽ Series 310), a type of high-speed tilting trains by the Italian manufacturer Fiat Ferroviaria (now Alstom), ever since three units from this family of trains first joined Slovenske železnice’s train fleet. Operated by the passenger division of Slovenske železnice SŽ-Potniški promet, the trains receive both routine and unscheduled maintenance at the shop in Ljubljana. Routine works include inspections and also overhauls, which are performed once every eight years and are classified – based on the scope of works – into mid-life and major overhauls. The latter has been performed for the first time recently on SŽ 310-001/002.

The 310-001/002 is made up of three cars, each with a pair of two-axle bogies. The pair of bogies at the front and rear end of the train is each powered by a single traction motor while the two bogies in the center run unpowered. The tilting system is a particular characteristic of this train type – the pendolino is designed for speeds up to 200kph, although commercial services on Slovenian network run at maximum 160kph due to line restrictions.

Major overhauls require a fair number of works be performed, and so take a while to complete. Work on the body comprised a brake overhaul, which was done in Italy by Faiveley (the braking equipment of the bogies was overhauled at our shop), cleaning the electrical components, renewing the interior, flooring and windows, checking the air-conditioning system, and applying new paintwork. The bogies were disassembled on a bogie press, and worn-out parts such as ball joints, monobloc wheels, bearings and reduction drives duly replaced. The reduction drives were inspected in Italy by Alstom, with new monobloc wheels supplied by Lucchini. Since last year, Ptuj Center is also able to shrink fit wheels for pendolino trains, however these are used with non-driven wheelsets, while driven wheelsets are being supplied by a partner from Italy until the shop purchases the device needed to perform tests on driven wheelsets before returning them to operation (the purchase is planned in the near future). Additionally to the overhaul work, the 310-001/002 was retrofitted with LED headlights.

Ljubljana Center carried out a major revision also on the remaining two EMUs, i.e. 310-003/004 and 310-005/006, with the former requiring additional works to repair the damage sustained in a collision with fallen rock.


Slovenske železnice







Carriage refurbished for motorail service

As part of an overhaul, Ptuj Center refurbished a carriage planned to run motorail service on the Soča line, a special kind of train which lets passengers take their vehicles with them on the train journey. In addition to the overhaul work, the team at Ptuj completely redesigned the carriage’s interior, replacing both flooring and upholstery.

The changes involved modifying the hand brake in line with the EC system, installing oil-burning air heaters, and retrofitting roller doors. One of the sanitary facilities was converted into bicycle space. LED lights were installed to replace the previous lightning equipment, and limited power outlets were retrofitted for charging mobile phones and laptops, while the exterior paintwork was redesigned.

Once refurbished, the carriage was returned to the owner in May 2017 shortly before the start of the peak motorail season. According to the passenger operator Potniški promet, which ordered the work, the new image and functionality of the carriage were well received by the passengers. For some extra spice, the carriage also features an on-board exhibition hosted by Gorenjski muzej (“Gorenjska Museum”) about the life and work of engineer Maks Klodič, who built the Bohinj rail line and tunnel at the start of the 20th century.


Slovenske železnice







Overhaul of diesel engines for Srbija Kargo

SŽ-VIT and the Serbian freight operator Srbija Kargo (former Serbian Railways) have been partners for many years now. Our workshop in Maribor, which is specialised for the maintenance of diesel vehicles, performed several locomotive and engine overhauls for our Serbian partner over the past few years.

Our past work includes overhaul of two 16 645E General Motors diesel engines in 2014, with another pair overhauled in 2015, which is fitted in Series 644 locomotives (G22). A major engine overhaul involves disassembling the engine, replacing all main components, washers and bearings, and renewing the cylinder heads.

The project, awarded in a public call for tenders, was completed on schedule, with both engines handed back to the owner in April 2016. The first start-up of the overhauled engine installed in 644-017 was carried out the December 2016, with no engine breakdowns reported at present. The other engine is planned for start-up in the 644-006 this July.

Customer statement:

On 22 December 2016, service was resumed for the 644-017, which was fitted with a DM 12-654E engine No 72-J1-1144 that was overhauled by the Maribor branch of SŽ-VIT. The engine has been operating without issues since then; no irregularities were discovered, and the level of fuel consumption has been kept at the lower limit.

Mladen Ifkovič, MSc En, Subotica Kargo department – ZOVS


Željeznice republike Srpske




Diesel locomotive



Routine maintenance of ES 64 F4

When our business partner Mitsui Rail Capital Europe BV (MRCE) acquired Siemens’ leasing company Dispolok it also gained ownership of the ES 64 F4, a Siemens-built four-system locomotive of the EuroSprinter family, which is widely known to rail folk around here as the type was operated by Slovenske železnice in rail freight services before Siemens Taurus units were purchased.

Numbered Class 189-155, the locomotive was leased out to RCC and is currently operating on the Slovenian network, with maintenance done at our workshop in Ljubljana. A P1 inspection (known as »N« inspection within MRCE) was carried out on 7 March under the supervision of an MRCE technician to brush up the skills gained in the past. Following the inspection, the workshop acquired a certificate for this level of maintenance work.

The P1 inspection comprises a visual check of the locomotive, replacement of the air-conditioning filter, sand refilling, refuelling, thickness measuring of the pantograph strip and the brake disc, wheel measuring, and a final locomotive check at exit from the workshop.

Ready for service, the 189-155 left the electric maintenance workshop, and will be returning again for the next scheduled servicing. While »N« inspections are now carried out independently, the remaining levels are still performed under MRCE supervision until a licence is obtained from the keeper for each respective maintenance level.






Electric locomotive



Maintenance of Ell’s Vectron locomotives

In the second half of 2016, our workshop in Ljubljana took up maintenance of the Vectron electric locomotives owned by European Locomotive Leasing (ELL). Our team are certified by the Austrian maintenance supplier ÖBB – TS to supply N30 control checks, also known as P1 checks, which are carried out after every 30,000 km in service. The workshop is currently in charge of 5 such units, which arrived for regular maintenance. With the Vectron gaining more and more ground on the Slovenian network, SŽ – VIT held a training course for I1 (P6) and I2 (P12) control checks led by a Siemens technician, who will also head the practical part of the course due this year. This will help us gain additional skills, as well as the certificates necessary to carry out I1 and I2 control checks.


European Locomotive Leasing




Electric locomotive



Revision of Uagps wagons

In 2014 the Italian grain shipper Monfer Cereali Srl. became a new client of our workshop in Dobova. Monfer Cereali is the owner of Uagps grain wagons that also run on the Slovenian rail network.

The revision was the first of its type at our workshop. Satisfied with our service, Monfer continued using our services in 2015 by scheduling additional Uagps wagons for revision at the Dobova workshop.


Monfer Cereali Srl.




Freight wagon



Revisions of GATX tank wagons

For many years now, SŽ – VIT has been providing VPI-based maintenance of tank wagons to one of the biggest global rail leasing companies GATX. The servicing currently includes G4.0 and G4.8 revisions with occasional G4.2 revisions, scheduled repairs, and RAM-related work (hand-over and return of leased wagons) on various types of tank wagons for the carriage of fuel, petroleum, residual fuel oil (masut), as well as on chemical wagons. Our VPI-related activities originally started with wagons owned by GATX, which provided valuable advice to aid our workshops in implementing this type of wagon maintenance.

With our own notified body for the certification of pressure vessel equipment, we are able to carry out independent pressure tests of the tank on GATX wagons, and have recently expanded our portfolio to pressure testing of Uacs powder wagons. In addition, we also provide complete painting of the tank using a special type of paint.

GATX ordered to clean the interior of their leased fuel, petroleum, masut or chemical wagons from SŽ – VIT cleaning services. Additionally we offer this opportunity for lessees of GATX wagons if necessary and the lessees can use the service of SŽ – VIT tank cleaning service.


GATX Rail Austria gmbH




Freight wagon



Revisions of VTG tank wagons

We have provided VPI-based servicing of tank wagons to VTG since 2010. The maintenance work currently covers G4.0, G4.2, and G4.8 revisions, scheduled repairs, and RAM-related work (hand-over and return of leased wagons) on various types of tank wagons used to carry fuel, petroleum, and residual fuel oil (masut), as well as revisions of the tank (both RID-based and non-RID), with the pressure tests carried out by TÜV.

If needed, we also carry out revisions of Uagps powder wagons.

In addition, lessees of VTG tank wagons can order wagon cleaning services at SŽ-VIT to clean the interior of their leased fuel, petroleum or masut wagons.


VTG Austria GmbH




Freight wagon



Revision of flat wagons type Rgs

At the end of 2013, the Dobova workshop began a revision on a series of Rgs wagons for our German partner ORV.

The total of 10 wagons was serviced in line with the standard VPI G4.0 revision. In addition, we also repaired any irregularities or defects identified on the wagons and replaced the timber floor, as necessary.

The project was completed successfully, and the partner was pleased with the service.






Freight wagon



Modernization of the autorack ramp at the Koper station (passenger)

Carriage aside, the most challenging part of the summer-only Dutch motorail service which runs between the Netherlands and Koper, Slovenia comes down to vehicle handling. Up until recently, the autorack ramp, which is used in loading and offloading cars, motorcycles and other accompanied road vehicles onto the motorail train, could only be handled manually, which required not only a lot of physical labour but also a great deal of time, resulting in a rather drawn-out process.

To address this issue, the operator of the service requested a project be designed to modify the autotrack lamp from manual to engine-powered. After outlining the work to be performed, the project was put into action.

By installing a reduction gear and a 3kW electric engine, the ramp handling time was cut from over 7 minutes (manual handling) to 2 minutes and 45 seconds between both end points.

SŽ-VIT assisted in drawing up the manual on the operation of the autorack ramp and also participated in teaching and training of the operator’s staff how to operate the new ramp.


Slovenske železnice




Specialised rail vehicles



Inspections of VOSSLOH G6

It didn’t take long before the most recent addition to the locomotive fleet of the Port of Koper, a brand new Vossloh G6, reached enough hours in service to be ready for its very first inspection. The manufacturer agreed to entrust this important task to our workshop in Divača, which is also the only team at SŽ-VIT with the necessary qualifications to perform such work.

The inspection, which was held after 500 hours in service, included a thorough check of the vehicle and its main parts together with the replacement of oil and filters in the engine compartment. With care and full of enthusiasm and interest, the maintenance crew delivered the maintenance at the Koper depot, which is located a short distance from the locomotive’s home area.

With the first inspection successfully completed, the locomotive returned back on track until it was time for its second inspection at the 1000 hour mark, which comprised maintenance work according to the list of tasks drawn up by the manufacturer. This time, the servicing took place in early November and was carried out in cooperation with Cummins, an authorized Italian servicing company from Portogruaro, Venice. The Italian crew carried out the inspection of the diesel engine and, using a special diagnostic tool, examined the error monitoring electronics system. Although the second inspection required significantly more work than the initial one, and the maintenance of the locomotive being a first-time experience, our team completed the task without any difficulties. Since then our Divača team is providing Port of Koper with regular maintenance services of the locomotive.

A couple of years passed until this beauty of the port came chugging again down the entrance to our Divača shop. It was 2016 when the locomotive’s time in service reached the 5000-hour mark, which required more extensive servicing. In line with the manufacturer’s instruction of work, a thorough inspection was carried out on all key components: from wheel-sets, brakes, and buffing and draw gear to electric equipment, pneumatic parts, and the diesel-hydraulic driveline. Inspection of the diesel engine was performed by an authorised supplier of Cummins engine maintenance from an Italian town of Portogruaro (Venice) who did a complete check of the fuel injection system and, using a special diagnostic tool, examined the on-board computer diagnostic system for trouble codes. The check also involved replacing the filters, oils and other fluids, as well as a first-time inspection of the VOITH hydraulic system. Overall, the manuals that came with the locomotive were helpful in keeping the work process smooth and clear of any major issues.


Luka Koper




Diesel locomotive



Inspections of Siemens Eurorunner diesel locos

With ‘Herkules’, a diesel loco from the Eurorunner family of locomotives, recently joining the SŽ fleet, SŽ-VIT workshops were working hard to rise up to the new challenge in maintenance, so they could continue providing full support to SŽ Cargo in diesel traction.

Labelled as Class ER20-003 or 645-003, Herkules was from MRCE to boost the performance of the existing fleet of diesel locos, who were the lifeline of rail freight services between Ljubljana and the port of Koper after the catastrophic ice storm destroyed the overhead line system in February 2014. As additional locomotives of this class, owned by other potential customers are expected to enter our workshops in the future, the decision was made to also take care of the maintenance of the mentioned locomotive.

Our experience with the maintenance of Taurus locos gave us a good head start, because both Taurus and Herkules are produced by Siemens. The main difference with the latter is in the way maintenance is planned – while servicing of electric traction vehicles is done according to the amount of kilometres travelled, Herkules diesel locomotives require maintenance which is based on hours in operation.

The training of the team in charge of Herkules was arranged by MRCE, which sent a special technician, who merged the theory with practical demonstrations to give the best possible insight in the maintenance process. The training took place at the Ljubljana Center workshop, which has all the necessary facilities and equipment to provide the maintenance of diesel rail vehicles, which are otherwise serviced mainly at the Maribor workshop.

The opportunity to test the knowledge obtained in the first training came at the end of August 2014 when a second inspection was scheduled after Herkules had reached 500 hours in operation. This time, team members from Ljubljana Center and Maribor Center performed stage P1 control check (labelled ‘W2’ by MRCE) on their own.

The 645-003 locomotive came to Ljubljana workshops to get a unscheduled repair of the cooling system, which was performed by our team unassisted, while the 1.000-th hours inspection was still taking place in cooperation with MRCE.






Diesel locomotive



Maintenance of electric locomotives Siemens Taurus

In 2014 we began the maintenance of multi-system electric locomotives Siemens for our new customer RTS. RTS is an Austrian operator who specializes in supplying construction machines and material to rail construction sites all across Europe.

One of their locomotives, a Siemens Taurus (ES 64 U4) electric locomotive labelled Class 1216-901, arrived to Center Ljubljana for a P12 control check all the way from Croatia, where it runs service on a track-renewal construction site. As this particular model is almost identical to SŽ Class 541, the work on the orange newcomer largely followed the usual practice applied to SŽ locomotives of this type.

Overall, RTS owns a total of three such locomotives, which are the same age as SŽ locomotives. The company first turned to us last year when the same Class 1216-901 required a replacement of the pantograph, which was carried out at the Gredelj Workshop in Zagreb, Croatia. Afterwards, talks began about performing control checks on their locomotives, and soon the first P12 annual check was provided in line with their work procedure manual. Additionally, we also replaced the drying agent (silica gel) in the locomotive’s compressed air system. Following the first check, we also replaced the arm of the pantograph at the workshop in Zagreb.






Electric locomotive



Revision of Tadds wagons

At the end of March 2013, SZ – VIT delivered the last of repaired Tadds wagons back to its keeper, Gatx Rail Austria. This wagon type was the first of its kind to be treated at our workshops, because Gatx’ past requests were limited to revisions of tank wagons and maintenance of wheelsets.

We performed different levels of maintenance – while most wagons have been treated under level G4.2 revision, three wagons have been maintained under level G4.0. In addition to standard maintenance work, we also carried out sand blasting and painting of three rust-covered wagons with corroded paint layers. For this purpose, the wagons had to be disassembled completely, including the opening mechanisms and parts usually left intact during revisions.

Depending on client needs, Tadds wagons can be used to transport a variety of bulk materials, ranging from food crops, such as wheat and maize, to construction materials, including quartz sand, gravel and iron ore concentrate.


Slovenske železnice




Freight wagon



Revision of tank wagons

We regularly perform revisions of various tank wagon series for the French leasing company Atir-Rail, who has been our partner for tank and other freight wagon maintenance for several years now.

Enhanced cooperation with our French partner, which was initially limited to a few tank wagons consisting mostly of Zas and Zans tanks, is in turn increasing the scope and type of maintenance work performed on various types of wagons.

Zas, Zans, Zaffns, Uacs, Zaces, Zacs, Zaes, and Zafns tank wagons are maintained under levels G4.0 or G4.2 of VPI. If necessary, additional repairs are done to remove any wagon irregularities.






Freight wagon



Repair of SŽ class E541

In addition to regular maintenance, the Ljubljana Workshops also perform repairs on locomotives and passenger emus which were damaged in railway accidents. One such example includes E541 locomotives, which belong to the smallest locomotive class in SŽ freight fleet.

The Workshops were performing repairs on two units at a time. The first one, E541-007, sustained moderate damage to the crash-elements, buffers, front end and air brake installation, and had to be treated twice. Experience with similar work in the past, however, allowed the Workshops to finish the repairs quickly and without greater difficulty, soon returning the locomotive to its owner SŽ-Tovorni promet.

The magnitude of damage on E541-016, on the other hand, called for more complex repair work. Next to buffers and draw gear, which take damage in most rail accidents, repairs were also needed on: driver’s cabin, both sides of locomotive front part, glass components, movement limiters, traction link (damaged rubber elements), floor etc. The bogie was repaired first (replacement of rubber elements) and fitted to unit 541-003 in order to maximize its use during the damaged locomotive’s downtime.

The biggest challenge was the driver’s cabin, in which both sides of the front part had to be repaired, together with the floor and front end roof (one side). In addition, the driver’s control panel had to be shifted in the process, which resulted in additional work.


Slovenske železnice




Electric locomotive



Revision and complete painting of Sggmrss 90′

Next to standard flat wagon repairs and revisions performed for Touax in 2013, the French rail leasing company also entrusted us with the preparation of Sggmrss 90′ container wagons for a new lessee, a task which included revisions based on VPI and complete painting of the wagons along with their bogies.

In addition to standard VPI level G4.2 revisions, which are performed on all wagons, we also provide additional services per customer’s request, which include complete wagon painting together with montage of anti-theft devices on the wagon rear.


Touax Rail Ltd.




Freight wagon



Repair of class 813-103

In March 2013, the Class 813-103 diesel multiple unit (dmu) suffered significant damage after one of its waste bins, presumably in the toilet facilities, caught fire while the unit was waiting at the Šentilj train station. Despite a quick response of both the train personnel and the local firefighters, the fire spread over the entire vehicle, causing major material damage in the process.

The repairs proved to be rather challenging, as half of the dmu was damaged to the extent that necessitated a complete removal of the inner equipment, followed by sanding of the inner surface and re-applying of the base paint. Afterwards began a complete re-instalment of the electrical equipment, which was laid down in the section from the plug-in 86 at the coupling between the carriages up to the control panel in the driver’s compartment.

The inner equipment was partially replaced with used components from vehicles under revision to build in a new interior.


Slovenske železnice







Modification of bottom valves on Zacs, Zans, Zas, and Zaces tank wagons

In 2013 SŽ – VIT performed their first modification of bottom outlet plug and ball valves on tank wagons used in the transport of liquid chalk. The overhaul was requested by Atir-Rail due to clogging of the old valve.

The work included a complete modification of existing valves to outer butterfly valve type, which then necessitated further adjustments to valve functions in order to match them with the new type. Following the keeper’s request, the top of tank wagons was also equipped with vent valves. In the final steps, initial and final tightness testing (DIFO) of the wagons was performed, coupled with replacement of wheelsets and removal of any remaining wagon defects

Moreover, functionality adjustments related to the new valve type also included a re-design of tank wagons’ drain pipes (with the exception of Zans wagons).






Freight wagon



Revision of class 643-051

In 2013, SŽ-VIT won the tender for the revision of a Brissoneau et Lotz/Đuro Đaković diesel locomotive issued by the Railway transport of Montenegro (ŽPCG). The work involved a major revision together with a partial reconditioning of the diesel engine. The locomotive was returned to the owner at the end of 2013.


Željeznički transport Crne Gore




Diesel locomotive



Transformer loading challenge

In April 2013, SŽ-VIT, Technical Wagon Services (TVD) and SŽ-Freight transport worked together to assist in the loading of a transformer at the industrial siding of Kolektor Etra, a Slovenian manufacturer of electrical transformers, with the train bound for Gostivar, Macedonia.

The positioning and fastening of the load were carefully defined to ensure safety of transport. With a weight of 53t and an extremely small contact surface, the transformer had to be placed and secured on a custom-made platform consisting of two steel beams welded together with structural steel. To largely increase the friction between the load and the surface of the wagon floor, pins were welded onto the bottom side of the constructed platform and used to pierce the wooden floor.

The transport was carried out using a Smmps-tz wagon of Croatian Railways (HŽ), which is a specialised type of wagon designed to carry heavy military tanks and, what was crucial for this transport, is able to withstand large central concentrated stress. The load was secured using four direct lashing units in a symmetrical cross arrangement to prevent any transverse or longitudinal shifting. Each unit consisted of a standardised chain and a belt, which were attached to the designated anchor points on the wagon and transformer.


Slovenske železnice




Technical wagon services



Exceptional consignment accepted at spielfeld

On 8 March 2013, our Technical Wagon Services (TVD) crew assisted in the transit of an electrical transformer which was to be installed in the Šoštanj coal-fired power plant TEŠ. After accepting the transformer from the Austrian Railways, it was determined that the position of the load had to be slightly adjusted to ensure a loading gauge of 150mm. Loaded on a specialised type of rail freight wagon called »Schnabel« wagon (Series Uaai), which is designed to carry especially heavy and oversized loads, the transformer was moved 10mm upwards to allow enough clearance between the load and the surface of the rails.

Once the necessary requirements were met, the brake testing was carried out. The exceptional dimensions of the wagon, which measured 62m in length, had 32 axles and a loaded weight of 555t, made it clear that manipulating this titan amongst loads was no small feat. As part of the crew accompanying the load, our team was in charge of adjusting, from the command cabins at each side of the wagon, the transformer’s position according to the geometric characteristics of the track. To make sure everything was done in perfect sync, the crew communicated over the radio to coordinate their actions.

The travel speed on the section between the Spielfeld border station and the nearby Maribor Tezno station was limited to 30 kps, and reduced further to 5 kph for the part through the Počehova tunnel and at points areas. The travel time for the section between Speilfeld and Maribor Tezno totalled 130 minutes.


Slovenske železnice




Technical wagon services



Participation of technical wagon activity in euro express motorail services

This summer witnessed cooperation between Technical wagon activity (wagon inspectors) and Dutch passenger operator Euro-Express Treincharter BV as the company operated their motorail train service (also known as accompanied car train service) on the line from Hertogenbosch to Koper and back every Saturday from 6 June to 31 August.

The inspectors at the Koper inspection facility assisted the operator by providing technical support, which amongst other included control over the catenary current. Before passengers’ motor cars, motorcycles and bicycles can be un/loaded, the electricity of the catenary had to be switched off manually to ensure safety. As this task was a first of its kind for the inspectors, they engaged in additional training on the use of the manual switch prior to the service operation period.


Slovenske železnice




Technical wagon services



Rotor loading challenge

On 22 December 2012, our Technical Wagon Services (TVD) crew assisted in the loading of a water turbine rotor produced by Litostroj, a Slovenian manufacturer of water turbines for hydroelectric power plants, which arrived to Ljubljana Moste station directly from the plant and was headed to Kijev, Ukraine. Using a portable car-lifting mechanism, the 40-ton rotor was loaded onto an Rmms wagon Nr 31553959561-3, which arrived from Hungary specifically for this task.

Rmms wagons are designed to withstand large central-concentrated stress by cargo with a very small loading surface. The loading process was supervised by the head of wagon examination at the Ljubljana Zalog station, who was making sure that the rotor was loaded correctly and secured against shifting in line with the drawings and written instructions of TVD.

The rotor was loaded on two custom-built steel platforms at 1-metre distance and secured with four separate lashing units in a cross arrangement to prevent any transverse or longitudinal shifting.


Slovenske železnice




Technical wagon services



Change of diesel engine on diesel-hydraulic locomotive

On 26 January, the Divača workshop successfully installed for the first time a Caterpillar diesel engine on a diesel-hydraulic locomotive no. 732-178. The locomotive engine, which is currently the newest diesel locomotive engine in the Slovenian Railways’ locomotive fleet, is manufactured in line with the EU STAGE 3A environmental standards, which was also one of the main reasons for the installation. In particular, one of Slovenian Railways’ (SŽ) long-term partners was facing air pollution issues due to exhaust gases emitted by diesel locomotives during shunting operations in their halls, so SŽ decided to install a new diesel locomotive engine, which produces lower levels of exhaust emissions.

The C18 Acert engine is controlled electronically and is highly energy efficient. It boasts a capacity of 18.1 litres in six cylinders with a diameter of 145 mm and a stroke of 183 mm. It is capable of reaching a power ranging from 429 to 527 KW at 1,800 to 2,100 RPM, respectively (however, due to limitations of the hydraulic transmission of this locomotive, the RPM is limited to 1,500).

In addition, the project also included a complete renewal of the electrical installation, renovation of the housing, and re-painting of the exterior as well as the installation of the Caterpillar Messenger display system in the control panel. The Messenger display is an electronic monitoring system with real-time, visual feedback on engine operating.

A fair deal of knowledge, expertise and ingenuity of the Divača and Maribor workshops was invested in order to finally reach the desired point – the first operation of the locomotive with the newly installed engine. As nicely demonstrated by this project, our workshops are able to take on major challenges in the field of remotorization and renovations of diesel locomotive engines. While paying close attention to the latest EU directives, we also strive for innovation in their services. Competence and expertise are the two defining traits of our team, which welcomes every such challenge with utmost dedication. At the end of the day, our efforts help us develop and grow together with our partners.

About Locomotive 732
This diesel-hydraulic locomotive is a three-axle low-speed model intended predominantly for shunting operations. Relative to its nominal weight, it is able to haul extremely large train compositions of up to 2,000 tonnes. The locomotive was assembled in 1965 at the Đuro Đaković plant (Slavonski Brod) in Croatia under the licence of Jenbacher Werke, which contributed to its nickname “Jembah” in Slovenian rail jargon. A total of three such locomotives are currently still active in the SŽ locomotive fleet.


  • Manufacturer: Đuro Đaković (Croatia), licence: Jenbacher Werke (Austria)
  • Axle order: C
  • Power: 440 kW
  • Fuel tank capacity: 1,550 l
  • Maximum speed: 30/60 km/h
  • Weight (nominal): 44.0 t
  • Length between buffers: 10.5 m
  • Width: 3,136 m
  • Height: 3,825 m
  • Axle load: 14.5 t
  • New wheel diameter: 950 mm
  • Minimum curve radius: 80 m


Slovenske železnice




Diesel locomotive



Revision of MBB DMU (class 711)

Next to the maintenance of electric traction vehicles, our workshops in Ljubljana also perform the maintenance of certain types of diesel multiple unit (DMU) passenger trains. In 2012 we successfully completed another revision of class 711-001/002 dmu, also known as the first “Green Train” (Zelenec) in Slovenian railway jargon.

Manufactured by MBB, class 711 DMUs have been operating on Slovenian network since the early 1970. In addition to scheduled maintenance, each unit is taken to our workshops for a revision every eight years. Currently, Slovenian Railways’ fleet comprises a total of six class 711 DMUs, which are all air-conditioned and therefore especially suited for summer journeys.

The revision of this two-car diesel-hydraulic multiple unit was performed at the Ljubljana workshop, while the painting took place at the Dobova workshop. In addition to regular repairs included in the revision, wall and floor coverings as well as seat covers have been replaced by new ones. After the painting, a layer of graffiti-proof coating has also been applied in order to protect the unit from vandalism (graffiti).


Slovenske železnice







Repair of SŽ class 713/715-125 DMU

To repair the damage on Class 715-125 trailer car, which happened in a collision with a brick-loaded truck, our workshop for the repair and maintenance of diesel multiple units (dmus) in Ljubljana first had to remove the brick debris and dust from the driver cabin. The initial cleaning was followed by a thorough repair of both interior and exterior of the vehicle.

The work started off with the removal of damaged parts and cutting of the front end, after which individual components were renewed one by one. The repair of the exterior consisted of renewal and re-painting of the aluminium front, while the interior necessitated a replacement of the driver’s control panel, renewal of the cabin, equipment, control unit, driver’s cab partition walls, small compartment’s walls, passage wall and intermediate passage wall as well as repair of the air and electricity supplies. The final stage of the repair included a replacement of the coupling as well as repairs of the underframe and bogie.


Slovenske železnice







Modification of Tamns freight wagons

Our workshop at Dobova was recently entrusted with the task of modifying the roof closing system on Tamns wagons owned by ORV GmbH (Germany).

Tamns wagons will be used in the transport of electrofilter ash. Under different weather conditions, the ash comes into contact with moisture and tends to attach itself onto individual links of the tow chain used to pull the sheet (tarpaulin) that covers the wagon roof, thus hindering proper closure or opening. In order to fix that issue, the workshop performed a complex modification by re-designing the tow chain closing system into a toothed belt driving system, which allows smooth and unobstructed opening and closing of the wagon roof.

The modification process included a number of changes to the design of the wagon roof: modification of the upper frame design, production of new crossbars and roof moving carts as well as new drive axle and auxiliary half-axles, preparation and modification of the pneumatic drive roof closing system, fixes to the wagon front-end sealing and installment of new roof (tarpaulin).

The complexity of the modification work also necessitated various adjustments of our workshop as well as the production of unique purpose-specific tools, because all elements used in the process were manufactured at the workshop. The newly manufactured tools include a special cart bending prism, a sheet (tarpaulin) basket bending device and several others.






Freight wagon



Revision of Sggmrss, Sffggmrss, Sgnss, Lgns and Sgns flat wagons

The quality of the work performed on the wagons at the begining of our colaboration in the field of Sggmrss flat wagons convinced Touax to deliver additional flat wagons for maintenance, in particular types Sggmrss, Sffggmrss, Sgnss, Lgns and Sgns.

Maintenance-wise, the said wagons are provided with level G4.0, G4.2, and G4.8 revisions along with various types of repairs and modifications (e.g. modification of brake pipe holders). In addition, we also prepare the wagons for a new lessee (RAM) and perform the lease handover of said wagons.


Touax Rail Ltd.




Freight wagon



Renewal of Eas freight wagons

Our workshop at Dobova successfully completed the renewal of Eas wagons owned by SŽ-Tovorni promet.

Eas wagons are an open wagon type used in transport of bulk material and piece shipments. Over time, the nature of the goods transported, the early date of the wagons’ assembly (before 1987), and frequent service in full loads with maximum gross tonne-kilometers hauled contributed to significant wear of the body material, consequently requiring a renewal of wagons be performed.

The replacement of the worn-out metal body was done by using the original wagon documentation from the GOŠA factory (Smederevska Palanka, Serbia). The dimensions of the renewed body are therefore identical to those of the original. Moreover, the current design features a reinforced upper edge, welding together wagon front and side, which creates a very massive and rigid fixed construction. Also reinforced were the sides and floor of the wagons – the upper and bottom parts of the wagon sides now consist of 4mm and 8mm thick metal sheets, respectively, while a 6mm sheet was used to enhance the floor. Unloading can be performed with gravity discharge through the front door.

It didn’t take long to confirm the positive effects of the renewal. When a freight train with multiple wagons became involved in a shunting incident, the wagons recently renewed remained undamaged, while other wagons suffered significant damage. The goods carried by the renewed wagons also suffered no damage, which is extremely important in provision of safe and reliable transport of goods.


Slovenske železnice




Freight wagon



Revision of heritage coaches

End of April, our workshop in Ptuj successfully completed the revision of Ca 39614, Ba 34542, and Ca 36320 heritage passenger coaches of Slovenske železnice.

The revision involved maintenance works on the running gear and the buffing and draw gear, as well as repairs of exterior and interior surface areas (repair and painting of the roof, grinding and varnishing of wooden benches). The special plain (solid) ? / shaft? bearings, which are specific to this type of coaches, had to be moulded anew and grinded following special procedures. It is interesting to note that the coaches’ heating system remains completely the same, with steam heat used to maintain temperature in passenger compartments.

The team in charge of this project comprised Ptuj workshop experts from various fields because the components handled in the repair, renewal and design work are no longer available on the present market.


Slovenske železnice







Revision of Alstom electric locomotive

SŽ – VIT provides maintenance to the entire fleet of electric locomotives of Slovenian Railways (SŽ), which is its biggest business partner. Services ranging from comprehensive maintenance and revisions to unscheduled repairs (consequences of accidents and incidents) are carried out on various types of electric locomotives, including the SŽ Class 363 electric locomotive, manufactured by Alstrom in the period from 1975 to 1978.

Revision is a type of a repair which follows a specific set of work instructions. Firstly, the vehicle is examined thoroughly in order to identify damaged or worn-out components, followed by dismantling and replacement of such parts. If need be, the locomotive’s anti-corrosion coating is reapplied, and any additional irregularities identified on closer inspection are also dealt with.

Locomotive revisions are provided in a continuous session to minimize out-of-service time and finish the work in a timely manner while taking into account to all relevant EU standards. Because Alstom electric locomotives have been in our care for over 35 years, we know the ins and outs when it comes to their maintenance. We have made numerous modifications and improvements to improve operation and broaden our expertise in this field of maintenance.


Slovenske železnice




Electric locomotive



Revision of PAFAWAG EMU

The Ljubljana Workshop performs revisions of electrical rail vehicles owned by Slovenian Railways. In 2011, a major overhaul was performed on the Pafawag-built SŽ 311 emus, nicknamed “Gomulka”. Next to regular repairs, the Workshop also made improvements to their interior and exterior.

Improvements to the exterior include renewal of the outer steel body and the entrance door.

Improvements to the interior, on the other hand, comprise:

  • painting of inner body and driver’s cabin,
  • renewal of toilets,
  • installation of trash bins on passageways,
  • replacement of seat coverings,
  • new led lighting in driver’s cabin.

In 2012 we continued performing revisions on Class 311 EMUs. The scope of works was similar with some new improvements:

  • the old lighting in the passenger compartment was repalced by new led lighting,
  • installation of additional switch for electric-pneumatic brake and
  • application of graffiti-proof coating.


Slovenske železnice







Revision and upgrading of Tads wagons

In 2011 our Dobova workshop carried out a comprehensive revision of Tads wagons for our French partner Atir-Rail. The work included sandblasting, wagon painting, repairs to components (running gear, buffing and draw gear, break system) and revision of roof and flap mechanisms.

In addition to the works listed above, we made additional changes to the wagon in line with the partner’s request. The old fixed roof handle was replaced by longer custom-made folding handle, which has been designed and manufactured at the Dobova workshop.

Because the wagons are used in transport of quartz sand, we used a specially profiled and wear-resistant sealing profile to enhance the seals of the flaps. In addition, the old wooden floor was replaced with custom-made single-piece floor made of galvanized steel grid; the floor was installed by using the existing floor profiles.

The work performed on the wagon convinced our French partner to deliver eight additional wagons of the same type for revision and upgrade.






Freight wagon



Modernization of class 813/814 diesel multiple unit

In May 2011, SŽ-VIT returned to its client and wagon keeper, Slovenske železnice, a modernized Class 813/814 dmu, thus successfully completing what is regarded as its biggest dmu modernization project to date.

The modernization of the model 7215 dmu, manufactured by TVT Maribor (license Fiat G. A. D. Divisione Ferroviaria), features the following modifications and additions:

  • a new propulsion unit with turbo compressor, reducing CO2 emissions,
  • air conditioning in passenger and driver compartments,
  • eco-friendly portable vacuum toilet,
  • modification of doors for smoother opening,
  • redesigned passenger compartment interior with new wall and ceiling linings
  • redesigned passenger seats ensuring a comfortable travel,
  • modernized lightning in passenger compartments – new light-emitting diodes,
  • video surveillance of passenger compartments,
  • drying equipment for compressed air.

Basic data of the Class 813/814-130 dmu:

  • Manufactured by: Fiat Torino – TVT Maribor
  • Manufactured in: 1974
  • Previous modifications: upgrades of the front end in order to improve the aerodynamics, installation of new doors, electronic vigilance device and automatic stopping stop device as well as two control panels
  • Engine power: max. 2 x 206 kW
  • Maximum speed: 100 km / h
  • Weight: 74 t
  • Length over buffers: 44.2 m
  • Width: 2.9 m
  • Height: 4.07 m
  • Number of seats: 154


Slovenske železnice







Revision of Sggmrss flat wagons

In April 2011, comprehensive revisions of Sggmrss 90′ freight wagons started at the Dobova worshop on request by the company Touax. The requested work, which was performed for Touax for the first time, included level G4.2 revisions in line with the VPI and Touax DT-internal instructions.

The articulated flat wagons Sggmrss 90´ with three two-axle bogies are used in the transport of containers and swap bodies, and have been treated by our workshop for the first time. One of their special characteristics is the above average length over buffers, which totals 29.59m, allowing the articulated body of the wagon be moved in all directions at the center.

The quality of the work performed on the wagons convinced Touax to deliver additional flat wagons for maintenance.


Touax Rail Ltd.




Freight wagon



Revision and renovation of Faccs wagons

In workshop Dobova we completely renewed the used Faccs wagons that we bought from the Slovenian Railways for our French customer MFI.

Complete renovation included the revision of the wagon, complete sandblasting and painting of wagon, processing of wheel sets by IS3, reconstruction and recovery of drainage holes.

The project consisted of more than 20 wagons, which were successfully delivered to the customer. He was pleased with our service and we hope to cooperate with him even more firmly in the future.






Freight wagon



Modernisation and remotorisation of diesel locomotive of 642 series

In 2009 we won an international tender for the reconstruction of diesel locomotives of 642/643 series. The project of modernisation and remotorisation, which consisted of four diesel locomotives of type 642, was successfully performed in our workshop in Maribor.

Complete modernisation included sandblasting, painting, additional isolating of the driver’s cab with a special sound protection, installation of new systems, devices and installations. There were also completely restored low voltage and high voltage electrical installation and replaced all the components in the high-voltage electrical cabinet. There are also new electrical fixtures, vital brake from the manufacturer WEBTEC – MZT Skopje, new equipment in the cab, and the like.

The remotorisation of the locomotive was performed with installation of new diesel engine UD 30V12 R from manufacturer Wartsila,  adapted cooling system, lubrication system, fuel system and power supply system of diesel engine with air. The modernised locomotive successfully passed all tests and measurements, and was proudly handed for the use to the customer.


Makedonske železnice




Diesel locomotive



Repair of DMU of 713 series after an accident

In the workshop Ljubljana a completely destroyed train front was renovated, driver’s cabin and chassis, which were damaged in a traffic accident with a freight road car. Based on recordings of the situation on the same train model the damaged train was completely rebuilt and new spare parts produced (cab, windows, doors, control panel …). There was also new electrical wiring installed and the train is equipped with new vacuum toilets.


Slovenske železnice







Comprehensive revision and new special painting of Fal wagons

In 2010 comprehensive revision for our German partner ORV was performed on 37 FAL wagons. The project included complete revision in accordance with VPI standards, revision of doors, straightening of the entire body, sandblasting, new painting and repair of wheel sets (level IS2). At the end of the project the customer expressed a high level of satisfaction with the quality performed and also expressed interest for further cooperation. We are working at a similar project for him also in 2012.


ORV Motors




Freight wagon



Revision of EMU Siemens Desiro

On 30 November to the Slovenian Railways Ltd. the last EMU Siemens Desiro that was revision repired for the first time was handed over. The revision was performed in workshop in Ljubljana on all 30 trains owned by Slovenian Railways.

In addition to the revision the trains passed some additional repairs and modifications. We remodelled the air condition systems that were too loud and the energy-counters were installed because the units originally did not have them. We also changed wagon couplers and additionaly grounded the wheelsets. We repaired the leaking glass and changed the German inscriptions with those in Slovenian.


Slovenske železnice







Comprehensive revision of tank wagons for transport of acid

In workshop Dobova, early in 2010 we sold the newly revised tank wagons for transport of acid. On the wagons – tanks, we carried out a comprehensive revision G.4.0 by VPI, together with the pressure test of boiler tank. Tanks have been sandblasted and given the new paint. Spots where it is possible spillage of corrosive substance are further protected by 2K color. As the wagons changed ownership, the whole documentation was verified by the Railway agency, which also extended the operating license for the vehicle.






Freight wagon



Revision of class 643-023 and 643-002

Back in 2006, SŽ-VIT successfully completed an important project for the Republika Srpska Railways (ŽRS), which involved carrying out a major revision of Class 643-023 and Class 643-002 diesel locomotives and equipping both vehicles with a Caterpillar 3508 diesel engine, and that without any previous experience with that type of engine.

The project in itself was quite a challenge, considering that a large part of the engine infrastructure had to be rebuilt after installing the engine – from engine controls and connections with intermediate coupling/clutch to the filtration system and a completely new piping of the water supply.

Beginning of 2015, more than 10 years after the start of the project in 2005, we received an update that both locomotives were in good shape and continued operating without any problems.


Željeznice republike Srpske




Diesel locomotive



Renovation of passenger wagons Y-bl

In 2009 we renovated 5 4-axle passenger wagons of type Y-Bl for Railway Transport of Montenegro. The scope of renovation included so-called medium revision, compete renewal of seats, floor and installation of new tables, complete painting of the wagon housing according to the owner instructions.

First wagons of Montenegrin railways to be maintained in our workshop were those in 2003 which were repaired in accordance to small revision. In 2009 we were successful on international tender again. Montenegro Railways wanted integrated renovation of 5 passenger wagons according to their new design (interior and exterior).

We considered all the owner’s requirements including materials for renovation. During the process we had few control visits by the owner which was satisfied with our work. We properly performed all the works, installed wanted materials and finished the repair in due course. Final inspection and test drive were successful.


Željeznički prevoz Crne Gore AD - Podgorica







Reconstruction of freight wagon Gabs into Slps-x series

SŽ – Centralne delavnice Ljubljana in 2008 won the international tender for the project of reconstruction and revision of 130 freight wagons for ÖBB TS, RCA. On the basis of documentation we received, we performed a complete reconstruction of the old wagon – series Gabs into the new – series Slps-x.

The project represents an upgrade of our existing and established production and marketing practices, according to our experience in reconstructing vehicles which were in most cases related mainly to smaller reconstructions. This project is the complete change of the wagon’s series, which is subject to major interventions into the basic construction of the wagon and other parts.

The serial reconstruction of wagons, which began when we established all the technical conditions at Workshop Dobova, included:

  • removal of the body on the gabs and preparation for welding (cutting and removal of upper construction, floor, sandblasting and cleaning),
  • treatment and reinforcing the frame (frame straightening, welding steel reinforcements on the main longitudinal members, fixing and welding cross bearers and walking sheets, restoring headstocks),
  • installation of emergency and parking brakes,
  • wagon revision (bogies, brakes and general revision),
  • final assembly (final welding components and final wagon assembly),
  • corrosion protection of the frame,
  • final painting, sealing,
  • assembly of acts-system (assembly of mechanisms for opening and closing of acts-system, connection with emergency brake and preparation for customer’s take-over),
  • assembly of flexible handles and corner stairs,
  • final internal control and preparation of the necessary documentation.

This project is the beginning of a new story for SŽ CD/SŽ – VIT, which is becoming an important competent player in the business of reconstruction of railway vehicles. At the same time, this project brings a new integrated services of higher added value.


ÖBB - Technische Services




Freight wagon



Change of diesel motor on DHL 732-195

In our workshop in Maribor we performed change of the motor and modification of 732-195 diesel locomotives for our customer R.M.U. Banovići in 2009. The project included the installation and connection of a new Caterpillar diesel engine, the renewal of the control system from 72VDC to 24VDC, the modernization of the driver’s cabin, air conditioning installation, renovation of control panel … With the successful completion of the project we have upgraded a good business relationship with the customer in BiH.


R.M.U. Banovići




Diesel locomotive
